pre-somewhere project inspiration


    This seems like it would be difficult to photoshop myself into as I would have to have the right facial expression while looking off camera. Also, since its a very crowded shot I believe this would make it more difficult, especially for a beginner such as myself, to properly photoshop myself into.

    This feels pretty inspiring as the guy who photoshopped himself in the photo is just wearing normal clothes and a backpack, there was no need for more fancy or outrageous clothes

   I've seen these edits before, and reactions to them as well, and are pretty hilarious to look at. I appreciate this one because I remember when the dabbing trend took over and this photo just encapsulates the feeling of what its like when someone dabs.

       This seems like a fairly simple technique but the outcome is really beautiful. I have taken a similar photo for a friend of mine but it was with a part of the tree that was still attached, but we both agreed that it looked wonderful.


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