
 Final Image:

Estimated Time: 3.5 hours

Original Image Used:

Other Images Used For Hands

Background Image:
Images Used to fill "holes":
Images Used For "holes":

    This project was incredibly difficult to find a topic to go with and be inspired by. I had several ideas in the beginning to go with, but none of them panned out how I wanted them too. This final image was not inspired by anything in particular but it did come from one of my failed autoscopy attempts. I was trying to photoshop one of my eyes onto my hand and make it look like it was coming out of it, and that idea was just not working the way I wanted it to. Then the idea of having a hole in my hand popped into my head and I found a hole design and placed it on my image. Still not satisfied, I got the idea to put in, using the frame tool, some really cool images I found of different designs while searching for suitable images for this photoshop.
    The idea that started to come together was 'something bursting from its seams' which led to me finding a more jagged "hole" to place on the photoshop. The idea then blossomed into 'creativity bursting from the seams' or 'creativity leaking out.' That was the loose idea I was following as I was using the quick selection tool to select and mask various holes and tears onto my image. I also added some shadow effects to the holes by using the black from the 'Images used to fill "holes"' section.


  1. This is so cool, the creativity in this project blew me away! How you incorporated all the different hands, and the fact that it was your own hands is amazing. I loved how you photoshopped the hole into your hand it really brings a creepiness to the photo. I really like how your idea was, "something bursting at the seems" and I can really see that in your project. I can definitely see the time you put into your project with how seamlessly everything is blended.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad that you could see the main idea "burst" through in the final project

  2. This project is absolutely one of the most creative I have ever seen. I love the hands and I will say I think the black and white is a really great choice that helped all the color really pop. Bursting from the seams is a great theme and I think you hit the nail on the head. It's interesting to me that you even went so far as to learned how to use the frame tool. The time and effort that you put into this project really shows through your work. I love the concept of this autoscopy and good job.

    1. Thank you! Thats what I thought too when choosing the black and white color scheme, it really helps the other images stand out

  3. WOW! I love everything about your autoscopy.I had to do a double take because there are so many different aspects to your autoscopy. The attention to detail is so mesmerizing. I love the idea of having "rips" in your skin of the where the creativity bursting from the seams. After reading your artist statement I love the message that you are conveying. You did an excellent job and included so much to create such a powerful piece of art.

    1. Thank you! It's happy that the idea/message shows through to the final product! Thank you again

  4. This project came out really nicely. I like how you changed the lighting of your photo to match the background, looks really good. And the hands incorporated in the background are a nice touch. Background also looks very nice. Overall nice job on the project.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad that the hands still stand out from the background, thank you again!

  5. WOW!! That is all I have to say. The attention to detail is unbelievable. I know that if I tried to do this, it would take me at least 10 hours.


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